Heart Transplant – Susan2


Susan2 describes the uncertainty of being on a transplant list.


My ejection fraction had dropped back to 26 from my stability where it was, about 34-35 at the time. And so that had caused symptoms. I was kind of failing, back in heart failure anyway. And this time I met with a fellow in the heart clinic at the hospital and his team of people. And he said we need to talk transplant. So after all these years, there it is. They said 10 years, but no here it is, after 30-something years, I’m now talking transplant again. And so my husband and I, we completed all of the requirements for the heart transplant. It took a six-month period. And at the end of that year, in October, they came and said that they felt, the team felt it was a bit early to be on the list. So we set that aside. They suggested they would follow me for the next two years, which is where we’re just at now.

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